MultiScript - String Functions
The following string functions are supported in MultiScript:
StrLen | Return the length of a string. |
StrSub | Return a substring from a string. |
StrFind | Return the position of a substring in a string. |
StrRFind | Return the position of a substring using reverse find (back-to-front search). |
StrReplace | Replace a substring in a string. |
StrReplaceChars | Replace all characters found with one new character. |
StrReplaceCharsPairs | Replace all characters found with a new characters. |
StrToUpper | Return a string in uppercase. |
StrToLower | Return a string in lowercase. |
StrTrim | Return a string that has been trimmed of unwanted characters both at the beginning and end. |
StrTrimLeft | Return a string that has been trimmed of unwanted characters from the left. |
StrTrimRight | Return a string that has been trimmed of unwanted characters from the right. |
StrSplit | Split a string and return the separated substrings as an array. |
StrSplitAnyOf | Split a string on any delimiter it finds and return the separated substrings as an array. |
StrCompareNoCase | Return the difference of two strings ignoring case differences. |
operator == | Return the difference of two strings (case-sensitive comparison). |
StrIsEqual | Return 1 if two strings are equal, otherwise 0 (case-sensitive). |
StrIsEqualNoCase | Return 1 if two strings are equal, ignoring case differences. |
StrIsWildMatch | Return 1 if two strings match using a case-sensitive wildcard algorithm. |
StrIsWildMatchNoCase | Return 1 if two strings match using a case-insensitive wildcard algorithm. |
StrIsRegExpMatch | Return 1 if two strings match using regular expressions (case-sensitive). |
StrIsRegExpMatchNoCase | Return 1 if two strings match using regular expressions, ignoring case difference. |
StrRegExpFind | Find a substring using a regular expression. |
StrRegExpReplace | Find a substring using a regular expression and replace it using regexp. |
See also
Return the length of a string.
<num> StrLen( <str> string );
- string
- A string to get the length of
Return Value
The number of characters in string
@var $str = "MyString"; @var $len = StrLen( $str ); // $len is 8
Return a substring beginning at a specified location and having a specified length
<str> StrSub(<str> input, <num> offset, <num> length);
- input
- A string from which the substring is extracted
- offset
- Initial position to begin the search (starting with 0)
- length
- The number of characters to include in the returned substring, or -1 to include all characters through to the end of the string input
Return Value
A string that is the substring of input beginning at the specified location
Find the position of a substring in a string (case-sensitive).
<num> StrFind(<str> input, <str> find, <num> offset);
- input
- The string to be searched
- find
- The string to be found
- offset
- Initial position to begin the search (starting with 0)
Return Value
The position in the input string in which the search string find is found (the first character position is 0), or -1 if find is not found
Find the position of a substring in a string, searching the string in reverse (case-sensitive).
<num> StrRFind(<str> input, <str> find);
- input
- The string to be searched
- find
- The string to be found
Return Value
The position in the input string in which the search string find is found (the first character position is 0), or -1 if find is not found
Replace a substring within a string (case-sensitive).
<str> StrReplace(<str> input, <str> find, <str> with );
- input
- A string within which to replace the substring
- find
- The substring to be replaced
- with
- The string that the substring find should to be replaced with
Return Value
The string input with the substring find replaced by the string with
@var $str = "MyString"; @var $str2 = StrReplace( $str, "My" , "New" ); // $str2 is "NewString"
Replace a any specified character with one new character (case-sensitive).
<str> StrReplaceChars(<str> input, <str> find, <str> with );
- input
- A string within which to replace the substring
- find
- A string of character to find
- with
- The character that any of the found characters should be replaced with
Return Value
The string input with the characters replaced, If any. If no characters was replace the string is returned unmodified
@var $str = "MyString"; @var $str2 = StrReplaceChars( $str, "ryg" , "_" ); // $str2 is "M_St_in_"
Replace a any specified character with a matching characters (case-sensitive).
the find and with parameter must be same in length. Ex character 2 in "find" will when found be replaced with character 2 from "with"
<str> StrReplaceCharsPairs(<str> input, <str> find, <str> with );
- input
- A string within which to replace the substring
- find
- A string of character to find
- with
- The string of characters to replace a found character with
Return Value
The string input with the characters replaced, If any. If no characters was replace the string is returned unmodified
@var $str = "MyString"; @var $str2 = StrReplaceChars( $str, "ryg" , "_23" ); // $str2 is "M2St_in3"
Transform a string into all uppercase characters.
<str> StrToUpper(<str> input);
- input
- A string that should be transformed
Return Value
An uppercase version of the string input
Transform a string into all lowercase characters.
<str> StrToLower(<str> input);
- input
- A string that should be transformed
Return Value
A lowercase version of the string input
Remove unwanted characters from both the left and right side of a string (case-sensitive).
<str> StrTrim(<str> input, <str> trimchars);
- input
- A string that should be trimmed
- trimchars
- A string specifying all characters to be removed
Return Value
A string where all characters in trimchars have been removed from both the left side (beginning) and the right side (end) of the string input
Remove unwanted characters from the left side of a string (case-sensitive).
<str> StrTrimLeft(<str> input, <str> trimchars);
- input
- A string that should be trimmed
- trimchars
- A string specifying all characters to be removed
Return Value
A string in which all characters in trimchars have been removed from the left side (beginning)
Remove unwanted characters from the right side of a string (case-sensitive).
<str> StrTrimRight(<str> input, <str> trimchars);
- input
- A string that should be trimmed
- trimchars
- A string specifying all characters to be removed
Return Value
A string in which all characters in trimchars have been removed from the right side (end)
Split a string into an array of strings (case-sensitive).
<array> StrSplit(<str> input, <str> delimiter);
- input
- A string that should be split
- delimiter
- A string containing the character(s) that will be used as a delimiter
Return Value
The string input split into multiple strings in an array of type string. The string is split wherever the character(s) in the string delimiter are located
If the characters in delimiter are not found, the original string input is returned
Split a string on any of the delimiters into an array of strings (case-sensitive).
<array> StrSplitAnyOf(<str> input, <str> delimiters);
- input
- A string that should be split
- delimiters
- A string containing the characters that will be used as a delimiter. It will split on ANY of the specified characters
Return Value
The string input split into multiple strings in an array of type string. The string is split wherever any of the character(s) in the string delimiter are located
If the characters in delimiter are not found, the original string input is returned
Compare two strings, ignoring case differences.
<num> StrCompareNoCase(<str> string1, <str> string2);
- string1
- First string to compare
- string2
- Second string to compare
Return Value
A number showing the differences between the strings string1 and string2. The return value indicates the lexicographic relation of string1 to string2
< 0 if string1 is less than string2.
0 if string1 is equal to string2.
> 0 if string1 is greater than string2.
Operator ==
Compare two strings (case-sensitive).
<num> <str> == <str>;
- string1
- First string to compare
- string2
- Second string to compare
Return Value
1 if the string are the same, and 0 if the are different.
@var $str1 = "ABCDEF"; @var $str2 = "ABCDEF"; @var $val = $Str1 == $Str2; // $val == 1 @var $str3 = "AbcDeF"; @var $val = $Str2 == $Str3; // $val == 0
Check whether two strings are equal (case-sensitive).
<num> StrIsEqual(<str> string1, <str> string2);
- string1
- First string to compare
- string2
- Second string to compare
Return Value
A value of 1 if string1 is equal to string2, 0 if the strings are not identical
Check whether two strings are Equal, ignoring case differences.
<num> StrIsEqualNoCase(<str> string1, <str> string2);
- string1
- First string to compare
- string2
- Second string to compare
Return Value
A value of 1 if string1 is equal to string2, 0 if the strings are not identical (ignoring case)
Check if a string matches a wildcard criterion (case-sensitive).
Wildcard is a string containing "*" (for anything) and "?" (for any single character).
<num> StrIsWildMatch(<str> input, <str> wildcard);
- input
- A string to check
- wildcard
- A wildcard string to check against
Return Value
1 if wildcard matches the string input, 0 if no match is found
@var $str = "123def567"; // If the character sequence "def" is in the string $str, $val1 will be 1 @var $val1 = StrIsWildMatch( $str , "*def*"); // The two first characters can be anything, // But the third character must be a 3. // And anything can be after it. then $val1 will be 1 @var $val1 = StrIsWildMatch( $str , "??3*");
Check if a string matches wildcard criteria, ignoring case differences.
Wildcard is a string containing "*" (for anything) and "?" (for any single character).
<num> StrIsWildMatchNoCase(<str> input, <str> wildcard);
- input
- A string to check
- wildcard
- A wildcard string to check against
Return Value
1 if wildcard matches the string input, 0 if no match is found
Check if a string matches a regular expression (case-sensitive).
<num> StrIsRegExpMatch(<str> input, <str> regexp);
- input
- A string to check
- regexp
- A regular expression to check against
Return Value
1 if the regular expression regexp matches the string input, 0 if no match is found
Check if a string matches a regular expression, ignoring case differences.
<num> StrIsRegExpMatchNoCase(<str> input, <str> regexp);
- input
- A string to check
- regexp
- A regular expression to check against
Return Value
1 if the regular expression regexp matches the string input, 0 if no match is found
Find a substring using a regular expression.
<num> StrRegExpFind(<str> input, <str> regexp);
- input
- String to find a substring in
- regexp
- Regular expression to find the substring
Return Value
Position in the string input where a match was found, or -1 if no match is found
@var $str = "Program v3.10"; @var $len = StrRegExpFind( $str , ".v[0-9].[0-9][0-9]" ); // $len is 7