Main Application Layout
- Title Bar
- Menu Bar
- Toolbar Area
- Command Line Field
- Quick Launch Bar
- Presentation Area
- Tab Area
- Button Panel / Log Panel
- Status Bar
1. Title Bar
The topmost line of the MultiCommander window is the Title Bar; it shows the version number and build number of MultiCommander.
You can also add custom text to be shown at the beginning of the title. This is done using the -T command line parameter when invoking MultiCommander.exe
2. Menu Bar
The second line (when visible) shows the Menu Bar. The default entries are: File, Edit, View, Configuration, Extensions, Tools and Help. You can create and modify additional menus and entries for user-defined commands by following the procedures outlined in Create User Defined Commands.
Clicking on any menu opens a list of submenus, as described in the Menu Bar detail section here.
3. Toolbar Area
The Toolbar Area contains buttons for some of the most-used commands that you find in the menu. It also contains Buttons for available drives to open in the Explorer Panel. The Command Line Bar and the Quick Launch Bar are also here.
Read more about
Command Line Bar
Quick Launch Bar
Drive Bar
File Commands Bar
4. Command Line Field
5. Quick Launch Bar
6. Presentation Area
The next part of the display is the presentation area. This displays one or more GUIs that are controlled by extensions and plug-ins, such as the Explorer Panel and File Search.
7. Tab Area
The tab can be drag and dropped to either side. And you can also right click on a tab for additional commands. like Close tab, Duplicate Tab, Load Tabs, Save tabs and more.
Read more about the Panel Tabs.
8. Button Panel / Log Panel
Under the main presentation area there is, by default, a button panel. This panel can be toggled on and off with Ctrl+B.
You can also have a Log Panel shown here. By default this is not visible, but it can be toggled by pressing Ctrl+L.
Read more about the Button Panel.
9. Status Bar
The status bar shows various pieces of status information. For example, when copying files you will see the progress of the copy process here