
Overview / Layout



File Operations



Customization and Configuration

Configuring the Layout

User Commands and Scripting




FAQ (pages to follow)


Command Line Bar

The fourth line in the Main Application Layout is the Command Line Bar, shown below. This toolbar can be removed from the display by unchecking the check box in View->Toolbars.

The buttons are enabled if the active extension (panel) supports back/forward/history. If the active extension does not support these commands, the buttons are disabled.

1. Back

Button 1 tells the extension to go back one step. If this button is held down for 2 seconds, a list of previous locations that you can select from is displayed. If the active extension is an Explorer Panel it will go back to the previously visited path.

2. Forward

Button 2 tells the extension to go forward one step. This can only be done if you have previously gone backwards. If this button is held down for 2 seconds, a list of all available forward locations is shown.

3. History

Button 3 shows a list of the previous 40 locations that the currently active extension has visited. From this list a previous location can be accessed quickly.

The default keyboard shortcut for Back is Alt+Left Arrow, Forward is Alt+Right Arrow and History is Alt+Down Arrow.
In the Explorer Panel the Back and Forward mouse button can also be used if your mouse supports these buttons.

4. Favorites Window

The button shown as a star at the left end of the Command Line. Clicking the star button brings up the Favorites window. This window contains three sections:

  • Quick Paths (F1)

    Quick Paths are paths that can be selected by pressing Ctrl+num. There can be only 10 Quick Paths defined.

  • Favorites (F2)

    Favorites are paths that can be defined and stored as a list. To select a Favorite path, simply select it and press Enter.

  • Web (F3)

    Web paths are URLs that can be defined in a list of web addresses. To select a web address, simply select it and press Enter.

5. Command Line field

The Command Line field (number 5) allows you to enter commands for the active extension or plug-in. If the extension or plug-in does not handle the command it is sent to Windows to handle. If the command is a filename and is sent to Windows to be handled, Windows will launch that program. If the command is a URL, a browser is opened for it.

If you type a command for Windows to launch, you can insert a "*" in front of it to run it as Administrator. For example, "*cmd" will launch the command prompt as Administrator.

The Explorer Panel supports commands such as the command prompt's "cd" command. Thus if an Explorer Panel is currently active you can type "cd .." , "mkdir myfolder" and the Explorer Panel will create this folder.

Special Internal Commands

The Command Line field supports some special internal commands:

*<external program> Start an external program as administrator, e.g. "*cmd" starts an admin prompt at the current path
!<cmd / path> Normally Multi Commander will go to a path if it is entered. Typing ! in front of the path will force the path/cmd to be opened by the Windows Shell
cd <path> Change directory
mkdir <path> Create a folder
cf <file> Create a new, empty file
alias <name>=<expanded to> Create a new alias, eg. "alias d=d:\bin"
alias2 <name> Create a new alias for the current path, eg. "alias2 d"
topmost 1 Change whether Multi Commander is always on top of other windows. Use 1 to enable, any other value to disable
addlanguage Used to add support for another language so that you can create new translations
importcmd Used to import a script command quickly
dbg folog Enable full file operations logging
dbg fslog Enable full file system logging
dbg applog Enable full application logging
:save Save all autoload settings for all tabs. This is the same save as is done before exit
:showhidden Change the settings to show all system and hidden files and folders
:hidehidden Change the settings to hide all system and hidden files and folders
:goapp Go to the path from which Multi Commander is started
:userdata Go to the path under the Windows user account where Multi Commander saves data
:gomcreg Go to the registry path used by Multi Commander
:golog Go to the path where Multi Commander stores its log files
:goconfig Go to the path where Multi Commander reads/writes its settings files
:box Go to the location where you have your DropBox folder (if you have DropBox installed)
:sky Go to the location where you have your SkyDrive folder (if you have SkyDrive installed)
:one Go to the location where you have your OneDrive folder (if you have OneDrive installed)
:desk Go to the desktop
:dl Go to the Windows Download folder (not available on Windows XP/Server 2003)
:doc Go to the My Documents folder
:ctc Clear Thumbnail Cache - Will remove all thumbnail cache information stored in memory
:rdrive Refresh all devices in Device dropdown and Device Toolbar
:hex2dec <num> Convert a hex value to decimal. eg. ":hex2dec ff"
:winerr <num> Show the error message of an internal windows error code. Eg. ":winerr 5"
:sysinfo Get some system information

6. Quick Launch Buttons

The area following the Command Line Field is used for Quick Launch Buttons. If you right-click in that area, a menu will open with the following entries:

For further information, see Quick Launch Bar.

  • Allow - Insert button by dropping file/folder

    If selected, this allows the use of drag and drop to insert a file or folder.
  • Allow - Rearrange of buttons

    If selected, this allows the buttons to be rearranged using drag and drop.
  • Insert User Defined Command

    Opens the User Defined Command menu, where you can select an existing User Defined Command (or create a new one) to be inserted.
  • Insert Separator

    Inserts a vertical separator line.