MultiScript - Array functions
Array is an internal data type in MultiScript.
An array can contain multiple values of type string, number or array.
The following is a list of supported array functions:
array initialization | Initialize an array with values when declared. |
arrayCount | Count the items in an array. |
arrayAdd | Add an item to an array. |
arrayRemove | Remove an item from an array. |
arrayFind | Find a string item in an array. |
arrayIFind | Find a string item in an array, Ignoring case differences. |
ArraySort | Sort the items in an array. |
ArrayToString | Concatenate all string in an array to a string. |
StrLines2Array | Transform a string with multiple lines into an array of lines. |
StrLinesArray2String | Transform an array of strings into a multi-line string. |
StrTokenize2Array | Tokenize a string into an array. |
operator [] | Get or Set an array item at a specified index position. |
See also
Initialize Array
You can initialize an array when it is declared.
@var $arr[] = {<str>|<num>, <str>|<num>, ..., ... };
- <str>|<num>
- String or Number values to insert into the array
Return value
An array with values inserted into it
@var $arr[] = {"String1", "String2", "String3"}; @var $len = arrayCount($arr); // $len is 3.
Count the items in an array.
<num> arrayCount( <array> input );
- input
- Array to count items in
Return value
The number of items that are currently in the array
See 'Initialize Array', above
Add an item to an array.
<none> arrayAdd( <array> input, <str>/<num> value );
- input
- Array to add value into
- value
- String or Number value that should be added to the array
Return value
Remove an item from an array.
<none> arrayRemove( <array> input, <num> index );
- input
- Array to remove item from
- index
- The position in the array from which to remove the item, beginning at index 0
Return value
Search an array for a string value (case-sensitive).
<num> arrayFind( <array> input, <str> string );
- input
- Array to be searched for the string
- string
- The string item to look for
Return value
Index position of the found string, or -1 if the string is not found
Find a string value in an array, ignoring case differences.
<num> arrayIFind( <array> input, <str> string );
- input
- Array to be searched for the string
- string
- The string item to look for
Return value
Index position of the found string, or -1 if string is not found
Sort the items in an array.
<arr> ArraySort( <arr> arr );
- arr
- Array that should be sorted
Return value
A new array that is sorted
@var $arr[] = {3, 5, 2}; @var $arrNew = ArraySort( $arr ); // arrNew = 2,3,5 @var $arr[] = {"DD", "CC", "AA"}; @var $arrNew = ArraySort( $arr ); // arrNew = "AA", "CC", "DD"
Join all string in an array to a string.
<str> ArraySort( <arr> arr, <str> delimiter, <num> escape);
- arr
- Array with strings
- delimiter
- What delimiter to use between the string, Eg " , " if you want space then comma then a space
- aescaper
- Set to 1 if you want all the string to have " around them. like if they are paths.
Return value
A string
@var $arr[] = { 'c:\MyFile1.txt', 'c:\MyFile2.txt', 'c:\MyFile3.txt'}; @var $arrNew = ArrayToString( $arr, " , ", 0 ); // arrNew = c:\MyFile1.txt , c:\MyFile2.txt , c:\MyFile3.txt @var $arr[] = { 'c:\MyFile1.txt', 'c:\MyFile2.txt', 'c:\MyFile3.txt'}; @var $arrNew = ArrayToString( $arr, " , ", 1 ); // arrNew = "c:\MyFile1.txt" , "c:\MyFile2.txt" , "c:\MyFile3.txt""
Transform a string with multiple lines into an array.
<array> StrLines2Array( <str> input );
- input
- Multi-line string (all forms of newline are supported)
Return value
An array where the strings in input have been split at the line breaks
Transform an array of strings into a multi-line string.
<str> StrLinesArray2String( <array> input, [<num> eol] );
- input
- Array of strings
- eol (Optional)
- what kind of line break to use:
0 = CRLF (Windows) (this is the default if none is specified)
1 = LF (Linux)
2 = CR (Mac)
Return value
A multi-line string where the strings in the array input have been appended together with line breaks inserted between the strings; the line break type is determined by the eol value
@var $arr[] = {"String1", "String2", "String3"}; @var $strLines = StrLinesArray2String( $arr ); @var $strLinesLF = StrLinesArray2String( $arr, 1 );
Tokenize a string into an array, splitting it at specified delimiters.
<array> StrTokenize2Array( <str> input, <str> delimiter );
- input
- String to tokenize
- delimiter
- Characters at which to split the string
Return value
An array of strings based on the string input after it is split. It is split wherever there are characters that match those in delimiter. The delimiter character(s) will not appear in the new array (ie., they will be lost)
operator [ ]
Index operator for setting or getting a value from an array.
<any> operator [<num>] <any>;
- [<num>]
- The index position to set or get a value, beginning at index 0
Return value
The item at the selected index position
@var $arr[] = {"Str1", "Str2", "Str3"}; $arr[1] = "Frog"; // string now contain the strings "Str1","Frog","Str3"; @var $str = $var[2]; // $str now contain the value "Str3"