
Overview / Layout



File Operations



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Name ID Description Standard - Name
core.ext Standard - Ext
core.size Standard - Size Standard - Date
core.attrib Standard - Attribute
core.path Standard - Path
core.SS_EXT Scriptable - SS_EXT
ExtendedProp.version Extended - Version
ExtendedProp.prodVersion Extended - Product Version Extended - Company
ExtendedProp.copyright Extended - Copyright
ExtendedProp.description Extended - Description
ExtendedProp.comment Extended - Comment
ExtendedProp.ostype Extended - Platform
ExtendedProp.shortName Extended - Short Name
ExtendedProp.filetypename Extended - File Type
ExtendedProp.datecreate Extended - Date Created
ExtendedProp.datemodify Extended - Date Modified
ExtendedProp.dateaccess Extended - Date Accessed
ExtendedProp.fragments Extended - Fragments
ExtendedProp.hardlinks Extended - Hardlinks
ExtendedProp.fileindex Extended - FileIndex
ExtendedProp.filesequence Extended - FileSequence
ExtendedProp.filevolsn Extended - FileVolSN
ExtendedProp.namelen Extended - Name Length
ExtendedProp.pathlen Extended - Path Length
ExtendedProp.colorrulename Extended - Color Rule Name
ExtendedProp.dbgfileiteminfo Extended - (Interal FileItemInfo)
ExtendedProp.dbgfileitemattribraw Extended - (Interal FileItem Flags #1)
ExtendedProp.dbgfileitemflagsraw Extended - (Interal FileItem Flags #2)
ExtendedProp.status TortoiseSVN - Status
ExtendedProp.statusID TortoiseSVN - Status ID
ExtendedProp.revision TortoiseSVN - Revision
ExtendedProp.url TortoiseSVN - Url
ExtendedProp.urlShort TortoiseSVN - Url Short TortoiseSVN - Author
ExtendedProp.mimetype TortoiseSVN - Mime Type
ExtendedProp.lockowner TortoiseSVN - Lock Owner
ExtendedProp.lastauthor Document - Last Author
ExtendedProp.title Document - Title
ExtendedProp.characters Document - Chars
ExtendedProp.words Document - Words
ExtendedProp.lines Document - Lines
ExtendedProp.paragraphs Document - Paragraphs
ExtendedProp.pages Document - Pages
ExtendedProp.doccreated Document - Document Created
ExtendedProp.cloudstate OneDrive / Cloud - Cloud Status FS-Reg - Data
FSReg.type FS-Reg - Type
NTFSProp.owner NTFS - Owner
NTFSProp.access NTFS - Access
NTFSProp.ADScount NTFS - ADS Count
NTFSProp.ADSsize NTFS - ADS Size
MCPictureProp.make Picture (EXIF) - Make
MCPictureProp.model Picture (EXIF) - Model
MCPictureProp.rating Picture (EXIF) - Rating Picture (EXIF) - Date
MCPictureProp.gpsdecimal Picture (EXIF) - GPS
MCPictureProp.pixelX Picture (EXIF) - Width
MCPictureProp.pixelY Picture (EXIF) - Height
MCPictureProp.dimensions Picture (EXIF) - Dimensions
MCPictureProp.orientation Picture (EXIF) - Orientation
MCPictureProp.orientationRaw Picture (EXIF) - Orientation (RAW)
MCPictureProp.isospeed Picture (EXIF) - ISO Speed
MCPictureProp.exposure Picture (EXIF) - Exposure
MCPictureProp.exposurebias Picture (EXIF) - Exposure BIAS
MCPictureProp.exposureprogram Picture (EXIF) - Exposure Program
MCPictureProp.fnum Picture (EXIF) - FNum
MCPictureProp.focallength Picture (EXIF) - Focal Length
MCPictureProp.flash Picture (EXIF) - Flash
MCPictureProp.photoinfo1 Picture (EXIF) - Exposure Info
MCPictureProp.thumbnail Picture (EXIF) - Thumbnail (y/n)
MCPictureProp.usercomment Picture (EXIF) - User Comment
MCPictureProp.xpusercomment Picture (EXIF) - User Comment (XP)
MCPictureProp.xptitle Picture (EXIF) - Title (XP)
MCPictureProp.img_dimensions Picture (IMG) - Dimensions
MCAudioProp.genre Audio (ID3) - Genre
MCAudioProp.title Audio (ID3) - Title
MCAudioProp.artist Audio (ID3) - Artist
MCAudioProp.album Audio (ID3) - Album
MCAudioProp.genre_agr Audio (ID3) - Genre Agr
MCAudioProp.year Audio (ID3) - Year
MCAudioProp.track Audio (ID3) - Track
MCAudioProp.comment Audio (ID3) - Comment
MCAudioProp.id3v2version Audio (ID3) - ID3v2 version
MCAudioProp.id3v2size Audio (ID3) - ID3v2 size
MCAudioProp.bitrate Audio - Bit Rate (Kbps)
MCAudioProp.samplerate Audio - Sample Rate (Hz)
MCAudioProp.length Audio - Length
MCAudioProp.length_total Audio - Length Total
MCVideoProp.title Movie/TV - Title
MCVideoProp.year Movie/TV - Year
MCVideoProp.runtime Movie/TV - Runtime
MCVideoProp.genre Movie/TV - Genre
MCVideoProp.imdb_rating Movie (IMDB) - Rating
MCVideoProp.imdb_votes Movie (IMDB) - Votes
MCVideoProp.imdb_id Movie (IMDB) - IMDB ID
MCVideoProp.imdb_link Movie (IMDB) - IMDB Link
MCVideoProp.rt_cscore Movie (RT) - Critics
MCVideoProp.rt_ascore Movie (RT) - Audience
MCVideoProp.rt_id Movie (RT) - RT ID
MCVideoProp.rt_link Movie (RT) - RT Link
MCVideoProp.videolength Video - Length
MCVideoProp.frameheight Video - Width
MCVideoProp.framewidth Video - Height
MCVideoProp.framedimension Video - Size (WxH)
MCVideoProp.framerate Video - Frame Rate
MCVideoProp.bitrate Video - Bit rate
MCVideoProp.orientation Video - Orientation
MCVideoProp.fourcc Video - FourCC