
Overview / Layout



File Operations



Customization and Configuration

Configuring the Layout

User Commands and Scripting




FAQ (pages to follow)


Download and Installation


The official download location is If you download it from another location make certain that you really trust that source: you never know if somebody has manipulated the package.
This is especially important with the portable version since the package is only a .zip. Never download the portable version from another source.


Full Installer (.exe)

The full installer is named MultiCommander_x64_([version]).exe or MultiCommander_win32_([version]).exe

You will be given two choices at the beginning of the installation: Single User or All users.

If you choose Single User the installer will, by default, select an installation location that is under your private account. By doing this the installer will not require any administrator rights for the installation.

If you select All users the installer will, by default, select the shared Program Files folder as the install location. By installing it here all user accounts on the machine will have access to the program.
This installation option requires administrator rights and the installer will restart itself and ask for admin permission if needed.

All users that then run Multi Commander will get their own configuration. The configuration is always stored under the user account, located under the Application Data Path.
Eg. C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\MultiCommander\Config\


By typing ":goconfig" in the command line field inside Multi Commander. The active Explorer Panel will then open at the Multi Commander configuration folder

Portable Installer (.zip)

The portable installer is named MultiCommander_x64_Portable_([version]).zip or MultiCommander_win32_Portable_([version]).zip

The portable package is a zip archive that you only need to unpack to a folder. Just make sure that you keep the folder structure from the zip package.
The portable version is the same as the installed version. The difference is that the portable version is configured to store all settings and configuration in the folder that Multi Commander is installed in and run from.
The portable version does not save anything to the registry or to the user account folder. Everything is saved in the Multi Commander folder. So the program must have write permissions to the folder that you start Multi Commander from.
This version is ideal to be installed to - and run from - a USB memory stick.

Note for WinPE Users

If you want to use Multi Commander in WinPE 4.0, and assuming your WinPE directory is X:,
copy the following files to the following directories before you build WinPE:

C:\Windows\System32\en-EN\oledlg.dll.mui -> X:\Windows\System32\en-EN\
C:\Windows\Syswow64\en-EN\oledlg.dll.mui -> X:\Windows\SysWOW64\en-EN\
C:\Windows\Syswow64\oledlg.dll -> X:\Windows\SysWOW64\
C:\Windows\System32\oledlg.dll -> X:\Windows\System32\

Contributed by user Ulrich; tested on Windows 10 PE, x86 and x64.

Installer Parameters

The installer accepts parameters that make it possible to run the installer silently or from a script.

MultiCommander_x64_( /S /D=[Target Folder] /PrevInstall=[Upgrade|Uninstall]
/InstallMode=[All|User] /Kill=[Ask|Auto|Abort]
  • /S - Silent
    Do not show any UI or ask any questions
  • /D - Destination
    The target where Multi Commander should be installed. If not specified the default path under the Program Files folder is used.
    Eg. /D="D:\MyPrograms\MultiCommander"
  • /PrevInstall - Previous Installation
    What to do with existing installation. The options are "Upgrade" or "Uninstall"
    Eg. /PrevInstall=Upgrade
  • /InstallMode - Installation Mode
    Install Multi Commander for All users or current user. If "All" is set and install path is under a protected location (eg. Program Files) make sure the installation is run as administrator. The options are "All" or "User"
    Eg. /InstallMode=All
  • /Kill - Kill running instances of Multi Commander
    When doing an upgrade Multi Commander may be running. Use /Kill=Auto to automatically kill any running instance of MultiCommander
    /Kill=Ask will show a dialog asking what to do. /Kill=Abort will abort the upgrade if Multi Commander is running.
    Eg. /Kill=Auto
  • /CLEAR=Uninstall - Clear Uninstall Data
    Clear all entries of Multi Commander from the Installed Programs locations in the registry
    Eg. /CLEAR=Uninstall
  • /FORCEDEST="Path" - Force a new path
    Force a new path even if a previous path was found in the registry
    Eg. /FORCEDEST="D:\NewInstallPath\"


# Upgrade Current
MultiCommander_x64_( /S /D="C:\Bin\MultiCommander" /PrevInstall=Upgrade /InstallMode=All /Kill=Auto