Release Information

Multi Commander v13.1 (Build 2955)

Released : 25 juli 2023

Since v13.0 there is 12+ Changes

  • 5 Stability Issues

Since 12.8 there is 55+ Changes since 12.8 some of the are...

  • Better handling of not enough free space when copying
  • Show image in Preview panel now using WIC (Windows Imaging component)
  • Drop file/folder on tab header make that tab go to that location
  • And many more (check change log)
  • 10 Stability Issues

Full Version

Multi Commander v13.1 (Build 2955) (32 bit)
SHA1 : BFC3786E4E1C252BE35A48249A4433C3915A5645
Multi Commander v13.1 (Build 2955) (64 bit)
SHA1 : FDFEDBB139737B3A01479D9E1ACE2CBF1C2077BE


Multi Commander v13.1 (Build 2955) (32 bit)
SHA1 : 14140598BEBF430CA9C23C8EA92895F23B41BA1E
Multi Commander v13.1 (Build 2955) (64 bit)
SHA1 : C09CBAE4514E9C5312BA96EB68CE63AB0553C11D