
Download and use Multi Commander free of charge.
If you want to support the development of Multi Commander you can make a donation.

For Multi Commander SE and Multi Commander XP see bottom of page

Download Full Installer

Multi Commander v14.1 (Build 3017) (32 bit)
SHA1 : 1EB690DD00A74121140DE19F1F2FCB8ED13B26CF
Multi Commander v14.1 (Build 3017) (64 bit)
SHA1 : A3220E2D1E292453BA2F01A6D70C9AC6B0B5B055
21 juni 2024 Release notes

100% clean from third party software. No other software than Multi Commander will be installed.
Multi Commander does not change any settings in Windows, And does not hook it self into anything inside Windows.

Download Portable version

The Portable version is a preconfigured version of Multi Commander that is configured to store all configuration and settings in the same folder that it is run from. Just unpack the portable version (keep the folder structure) and run MultiCommander.exe.
If you already have Multi Commander installed you can create a portable version by selecting "Install Multi Commander to USB Device" in the help menu.

Multi Commander v14.1 (Build 3017) (32 bit)
SHA1 : ECED32FF8D51768212BC9CDDB016A963CB96DCCF
Multi Commander v14.1 (Build 3017) (64 bit)
SHA1 : C0FF50684C66152DBB3B12D6CD76BAECAE574490
21 juni 2024 Release notes

Only download the portable version from this site.
Because the portable version is a normal zip archive, you cannot know if anyone else has changed and modified the files inside.

Previous Versions

If you want a older version you find them at the Previous Versions page

Multi Commander SE (Store Edition)

If you are running Multi Command SE, then you are running the special Microsoft Store Edition of Multi Commander, Then update it from Microsoft Store

XP Edition

Normal version do not work on Windows XP anymore. If you need a version that works in Windows XP there is Multi Commander XP