MultiScript - File system functions
File and Folder Properties
GetFileTime | Get the date/time of a file or folder. |
SetFileTime | Set the date/time of a file or folder. |
IsFolder | Check if a file item is a folder. |
FileExists | Check if a file (or folder) exists. |
GetFileSize | Get the size of a file. |
GetFileProp | Get a file property. |
GetFSLinkType | Get what link type a link is (Symbolic link, Shortcut, hardlink, Junction). |
GetFSLinkTarget | Get the target path of a file system link. |
GetWinShortcutTarget | Get the target path of a shortcut link (.lnk). |
Filesystem Matching
FindFirstFile | Return the first matching file. |
FindFirstFileEx | Return the first matching file recursivly. |
FindFiles | Return an array of all matching files. |
File Attributes
GetFileAttributes | Return the attributes of a file or folder. |
AddFileAttributes | Add an attribute(s) to a file or folder. |
RemoveFileAttributes | Remove attribute(s) from a file or folder. |
SetFileAttributes | Set attribute(s) of a file or folder (replace existing). |
HasFileAttributes | Check if a file or folder has specified attribute(s). |
Filesystem Operations
CopyFile | Copy a file. |
MoveFile | Move a file. |
RenameFile | Rename a file. |
UnpackFile | Unpack an archive (zip, 7z, rar, tar, tgz). |
PackFile | Pack file(s) into an archive (zip, 7z, tar, gz). |
DeleteFile | Delete a single file or folder. |
DeleteFiles | Delete multiple files or folders. |
MakeDir | Create a new folder. |
Filesystem Filtering
FilterCreate | Create a filter handle. |
FilterAddRule | Add a filter rule. |
FilterLoad | Load a filter from file. |
FilterLoadById | Load an existing advanced filer by id. |
FilterSave | Save a filter to file. |
FilterIsMatch | Test if a file is a match against a filter. |
File Path Operations
PathGetPathPart | Get the path part of a full filename path. |
PathGetNamePart | Get the name path of a full filename path. |
PathGetFileExtPart | Get the file extension of a full filename path. |
PathGetParts | Get an array of all file path parts. |
File Path Conversion Operations
PathMakeRelativeMC | Convert a path to be relative to where Multi Commander is started from. |
PathMakeAbsoluteMC | Convert a relative path to an absolute path. |
PathTranslatePath | Convert a relative path to absolute; also expand environment string. |
Network File Operations
NetWGet | Download web content to file. |
Get the date/time of a file or folder.
<num> GetFileTime( <str> path, [<num> utctime], [<num> filetimepart] );
- path
- Path to the file/folder of interest
- utctime
(Optional, default: 0)
0 = Return time in local time 1 = Return time in UTC - filetimepart
(Optional, default: 0)
0 = Last Write time
1 = Create time
2 = Last Access time
Return value
0 for failure, else the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00
// Change the time of the file item in focus to 1h previous ( 3600 sec ) @var $time = 0; @var $file = GetSourceFocusPath(); if( StrLen( $file ) > 0 ) { $time = GetFileTime( $file ); $time = $time - 3600; SetFileTime( $file, $time ); }
Set the date/time of a file or folder.
<num> SetFileTime( <str> path, <num> time, [<num> utctime], [<num> filetimepart] );
- path
- Path to the file/folder of interest
- time
- Time in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00
- utctime
(Optional, default: 0)
0 = Return time in local time
1 = Return time in UTC - filetimepart
(Optional, default: 0)
0 = Last Write time
1 = Create time
2 = Last Access time
4 = Last Write, Create and Last Access
Return value
1 for success, else 0
// See GetFileTime
Return 1 if the specified path is a folder.
<num> IsFolder( <str> path );
- path
- Path to a file or folder to be checked
Return value
1 if the path exists and is a folder, else 0
@var $res = IsFolder( "C:\\temp" );
Return a value > 0 if the specified file exists.
<num> FileExists( <str> path );
- path
- Path to a file be checked
Return value
1 if the path exists and is a file, 2 if the path exists and is a folder, 0 if the path does not exist
@var $res = FileExists( "C:\\temp\\MyFile.txt" );
Return the size of the file.
<num> GetFileSize( <str> path );
- path
- Path to a file or folder to be checked
Return value
The file size in bytes, or 0 if the item is not a file or does not exist
@var $res = GetFileSize( "C:\\temp\\MyFile.txt" );
Return a file property of a file.
<num> GetFileProp( <str> path, <str> fileProp );
- path
- Path to the file or folder of interest
- fileProp
- File property name (eg. "MCAudioProp.genre")
Return value
A string containing the file property
@var $res = GetFileProp( "C:\\temp\\MyPopSong.mp3", "MCAudioProp.genre" ); // res == "pop"
See the File Property List for a list of all the available file properties.
(These are the same file properties as are used by the MultiRename tool.)
Get what link type a link is.
<num> GetFSLinkType( <str> path);
- path
- Path to the file or folder of interest
Return value
0 - Not a link
1 - Junction
2 - Symlink
3 - MountPoint
@var $res = GetFSLinkType( 'C:\\Documents and Settings' ); // res == 1 // Junction
Get the target path of a file system link..
<str> GetFSLinkTarget( <str> path);
- path
- Path to the file or folder of interest
Return value
The path of the linktarget.
@var $res = GetLinkTarget( 'C:\\Documents and Settings' ); // res == "C:\\Users"
Get the target path of a shortcut (.lnk).
<str> GetWinShortcutTarget( <str> path);
- path
- Path to the file or folder of interest
Return value
The path of the shortcut.
@var $res = GetWinShortcutTarget( 'C:\\MyFolder\\MyShortcut.lnk' ); // res == "C:\\Users"
Return the first matching file name (this function also exists as "_findfirstfile" ).
<str> FindFirstFile( <str> path, [<num> nameOnly], [<num> dbgInfo] );
- path
- Path with filter. eg. "c:\\myfolder\\*.txt"
- nameOnly
- Optional. If 1, return only the name and extension; no path
- dbgInfo (Optional)
- If 1, output extra debugging information to the log window
Return value
Full file path to the first matching file
@var $file = FindFirstFile( "C:\\temp\\Co*.txt" );
Return the first matching file name. Support scanning in subfolders.
<str> FindFirstFile( <str> path, [ <str> options] );
- path
- Path with filter. eg. "c:\\myfolder\\*.txt"
- option
- SUBFOLDERS - Also scan in subfolders
- ONLYFILENAME - Return only the filename
- IGNOREFOLDERS - Ignore matching folder. continue scanning if a folder match is found.
- DBG - Output extra information in the log window.
Return value
Full file path to the first matching file. if "ONLYFILENAME" option is set. Then it returns only the filename instead of full path.
@var $file = FindFirstFileEx( "C:\\temp\\Co*.txt", "SUBFOLDERS, ONLYFILENAME" );
FindFiles (File Search)
Return array of matching files (this function also exists as "_findfiles" ).
<arr> FindFiles( <str> path, [<num> namesOnly], [<num> dbgInfo] );
- path
- Path with filter. eg. "c:\\myfolder\\*.txt"
- namesOnly
- Optional. If 1, return only the names and extensions; no paths
- dbgInfo
- Optional. If 1, output extra debugging information to the log window
Return value
An array of full file paths of matching files
@var $files = FindFiles( "C:\\temp\\*.txt" );
Return a string of file attributes.
<str> GetFileAttributes( <str> path );
- path
- Path of the file or folder to get attributes for
Return value
A string containing the attribute characters for the file or folder.
A - Archive
R - Read only
S - System
H - Hidden
$attributes = GetFileAttributes( $path );
Set an attribute for a file or folder.
<str> AddFileAttributes( <str> path, <str> attributes );
- path
- Path of the file or folder to get attributes for
- attributes
- A string containing the attributes to add. Valid attributes are: a, r, s, h
Return value
1 if attributes was set, else 0.
// Add Read Only attribute AddFileAttributes( $path, "r" );
Remove attributes from a file or folder.
<num> RemoveFileAttributes( <str> path, <str> attributes );
- path
- File or Folder to remove attribute from
- attributes
- A string containing the attributes to remove. Valid attributes are: a, r, s, h
Return value
1 if attributes was set, else 0.
// Remove the Read Only attribute RemoveFileAttributes( $path, "r" );
Set attributes for a file or folder, replacing existing attributes.
<num> SetFileAttributes( <str> path, <str> attributes );
- path
- File or Folder to set attribute for
- attributes
- A string containing the attributes to add. Valid attributes are: a, r, s, h
Return value
1 if attributes was set, else 0.
// Set the Read Only and Hidden attribute SetFileAttributes( $path, "rh" );
Check if a file or folder has particular attributes.
<num> HasFileAttributes( <str> path, <str> attributes );
- path
- File or Folder to check attributes for
- attributes
- A string containing the attributes to check for. Valid attributes are: a, r, s, h
Return value
1 if the file or folder has the requested attributes, else 0. -1 for error
// Check if a file has a Read Only attribute $isReadonly = HasFileAttributes( $path, "r" );
Copy a single file or folder.
<num> CopyFile( <str> targetPath, <str> sourceFile, <str> options );
- targetPath
- Target Path to where the file/folder should be copied
- sourceFile
- Source Path of the file/folder to copy
- options
Optional parameter (case-sensitive). Separate multiple options with commas.
"NOWAIT" - Script will continue directly. Will not wait until copy is completed
"NOPROGRESS" - Show no progress window. No error dialog will be shown. It will always skip files on error
"NODIALOG" - Show no confirmation dialog
"SILENT" - Silent. Do not ask what to do: skip on errors and continue
"NEWQUEUE" - If a file operation already exists. Start a new queue (override default setting)
"USEEXISTINGQUEUE" - If a queued file operation already exists then use its queue (override default setting)
"OVERWRITE_ALL" - If a file already exists on the target path, overwrite it without asking
"OVERWRITE_IFNEWER" - Overwrite existing if date of the new file is newer
"OVERWRITE_IFSIZEDIFF" - Overwrite existing if size if different
"OVERWRITE_IFSIZELARGER" - Overwrite existing if size is larger
"OVERWRITE_IFSIZESMALLER" - Overwrite existing if size is smaller
"OVERWRITE_AUTORENAME_EXISTING" - Keep both - Autorename existing file
"OVERWRITE_AUTORENAME_NEW" - Keep both- Autorename the new file
** Multiple OVERWRITE_xxx flags are NOT allowed
Return value
0 for failure, 1 for success
CopyFile( $targetPath, $sourceFile, "NODIALOG, OVERWRITE_ALL" ); CopyFile( 'D:\Temp\', 'R:\MyFile\File.txt', "NODIALOG, OVERWRITE_ALL" );
Move a single file or folder.
<num> MoveFile( <str> targetPath, <str> sourceFile, <str> options );
- targetPath
- Target Path to where the file/folder should be moved
- sourceFile
- Source Path of the file/folder to move
- options
Optional parameter (case-sensitive). Separate multiple options with commas.
"NOWAIT" - Script will continue directly. Will not wait until copy is completed
"NOPROGRESS" - Show no progress window. No error dialog will be shown. It will always skip files on error
"NODIALOG" - Show no confirmation dialog
"SILENT" - Silent. Do not ask what to do: skip on errors and continue
"NEWQUEUE" - If a file operation already exists. Start a new queue (override default setting)
"USEEXISTINGQUEUE" - If a queued file operation already exists then use its queue (override default setting)
"OVERWRITE_ALL" - If a file already exists on the target path, overwrite it without asking
"OVERWRITE_IFNEWER" - Overwrite existing if date of the new file is newer
"OVERWRITE_IFSIZEDIFF" - Overwrite existing if size if different
"OVERWRITE_IFSIZELARGER" - Overwrite existing if size is larger
"OVERWRITE_IFSIZESMALLER" - Overwrite existing if size is smaller
"OVERWRITE_AUTORENAME_EXISTING" - Keep both - Autorename existing file
"OVERWRITE_AUTORENAME_NEW" - Keep both- Autorename the new file
** Multiple OVERWRITE_xxx flags are NOT allowed
Return value
0 for failure, 1 for success
MoveFile( $targetPath, $sourceFile, "NODIALOG, OVERWRITE_ALL" ); MoveFile( 'D:\Temp\', 'R:\MyFile\File.txt', "NODIALOG, OVERWRITE_ALL" );
Rename a file or folder using the Multi Commander virtual filesystem.
<num> RenameFile( <str> filepath, <str> newName, <str> options );
- filepath
- Full path of the file to rename (eg. "C:\\temp\\myfile.txt")
- Newname
- The new file name. ONLY THE NAME. No path parts may be included
- Options
Optional parameter (case-sensitive). Separate multiple options with commas.
"SILENT" - Show no error dialog. If any error occurs then abort and return then error code
"RENAME_RO" - Allow renaming of a file with readonly attribute (as long as the file system allows it)
"RENAMNE_OVR" - If a file with the new name already exists, overwrite it
Return value
1 if rename succeeded, else error code.
@var $filename = "C:\\temp\\MyFile.txt"; @var $newname = "MyNewName.txt"; RenameFile( $filename, $newname, "SILENT, RENAME_OVR" );
Unpack an archive using the file operations in Multi Commander.
<num> UnpackFile( <str> fileToUnpack, <str> targetFolder, <str> filter, <str> options, <str> password );
- fileToUnpack
- Full path to the file you want to unpack (eg. "C:\\temp\\")
- targetFolder
- Path to where you want the files to be unpack into (eg. "C:\\temp\\")
- filter
- Wildcard filter used to match files to unpack. Empty or *.* to unpack all
- options
Optional parameter (case-sensitive). Separate multiple options with commas.
"SILENT" - Show no error dialog. If any error occurs then abort and return then error code
"NOWAIT" - Script will continue directly. Will not wait until copy is completed
"NOPROGRESS" - Show no progress window. No error dialog will be shown. It will always skip files on error
"OVERWRITEALL" - If a file already exists on the target path, overwrite it without asking
"NOQUEUE" - If a file operation already exists. Start a new queue (override default setting)
"USEEXISTINGQUEUE" - If a queued file operation already exists then use its queue (override default setting) - Password
- Optional parameter. Sets the password needed to unpack the archive, if archive is password protected
Return value
1 if unpacking succeeded, else error code
@var $filename = "C:\\temp\\"; @var $target = "C:\\temp\\Up\\"; UnpackFile( $filename, $target, "*.*", "NOWAIT, OVERWRITEALL", "password123" );
Pack files and/or folders into a archive (zip,7z,..) using the Multi Commander file operations.
<num> PackFile( <str> targetFile, <str> sourceFile, <str> filter, <str> method, <str> options, <str> password );
- targetFile
- Full path to the file to create (eg. "C:\\temp\\")
- sourceFile
- Full path to file or folder to pack
- filter
- Wildcard filter to use when adding files to archive
- method
- compression profile to use or default method for that type (eg. "zip" )
- options
Optional parameter (case-sensitive). Separate multiple options with commas.
"SILENT" - Show no error dialog. If any error occurs then abort and return then error code
"NOWAIT" - Script will continue directly. Will not wait until copy is completed
"NOPROGRESS" - Show no progress window. No error dialog will be shown. It will always skip files on error
"OVERWRITEALL" - If a file already exists on the target path, overwrite it without asking
"NOQUEUE" - If a file operation already exists. Start a new queue (override default setting)
"USEEXISTINGQUEUE" - If a file operation already exists then use it (override default setting) - Password
- Optional parameter. Password you want to set for the archive if you want to protect it
Return value
1 if packing succeeded, else error code
@var $filename = "C:\\temp\\"; @var $folderToPack = "C:\\temp\\MyFiles\\"; PackFile( $filename, $folderToPack, "*.*", "zip", "NOWAIT" ); // or PackFile( $filename, $folderToPack, "*.txt", "Internal Zip (Max)", "NOWAIT", "MyPassword" );
Delete a single file using the Multi Commander virtual filesystem.
<num> DeleteFile( <str> filename, <arr> options );
- filename
- file or folder to delete
- options
Optional parameter (case-sensitive). Separate multiple options with commas.
"RECYLE" - Delete to recycle bin
"NOPROGRESS" - Show no progress window
"NODIALOG" - Show no confirmation dialog
"SILENT" - Show no error dialog if delete fails
Return value
0 for failure, 1 for success
@var $options[] = {"NODIALOG", "SILENT", "RECYLE"}; DeleteFile( $filename, $options );
Delete multiple files using the Multi Commander virtual filesystem.
<num> DeleteFiles( <arr> filenames, <arr> options );
- filenames
- array of files or folders to delete
- options
Optional parameter (case-sensitive). Separate multiple options with commas.
"RECYLE" - Delete to recycle bin
"NOPROGRESS" - Show no progress window
"NODIALOG" - Show no confirmation dialog
"SILENT" - Show no error dialog if delete fails
Return value
0 for failure, 1 for success
@var $filenames[] = {'e:\file1.txt', 'e:\file2.txt', 'e:\Folder1'}; @var $options[] = {"NODIALOG", "SILENT", "RECYLE"}; DeleteFile( $filenames, $options );
Create a new folder using the Multi Commanders virtual filesystem.
<num> MakeDir( <str> path, <str> options );
- filename
- Full path to folder to create. Can also be any virtual path like WPD:\ REG:\ FTP:\ or inside zips or 7z
- options
Optional parameter (case-sensitive). Separate multiple options with commas.
"LOCAL" - Hint to the virtual filesystem that the path is a normal local path
"RECURSIVE" - Create folders recursively. Only work if LOCAL also is specified
Return value
0 for success, else error code
MakeDir( "C:\\Temp\NewFolder\\SubFolder\\", "LOCAL,RECURSIVE" ); MakeDir( "WPD:\\MyPhone\\SubFolder\\", "" ); MakeDir( "C:\\Temp\\\\Folder", "" );
Create a handle to a filter. This handle will reference all filter rules added with FilterAddRule (see below).
<handle> FilterCreate();
Return value
Return a handle to a filter
@var $filter = FilterCreate();
Add a Rule to filter.
<str> FilterAddRule( <handle> filter, <str> matchType, <str> value, [<num> invert] );
- filter
- Handle to a filter created by FilterCreate()
- field to match
The field to do the match against:
extendedproperty - Match Type
The type of matching the rule should attempt.
is (if field is a text or number, eg. filename or size)
lessthan (if field is number, eg. size)
morethan (if field is number, eg. size)
wildcard (if field is of text type)
contains (if field is of text type)
beginwith (if field is of text typ )
endwith (if field is of text type)
before (if field is of date type)
after (if field is of date type)
has (if field is of attribute type)
hasnot (if field is of attribute type)
regex (if field is of text type)
hex (if field is of filecontent type) - Value
- The value that the filter should match against
- Invert
- Optional parameter. If set to 1 the result will be inverted
Return value
1 if filter rule was added, else 0
@var $filter = FilterCreate(); FilterAddRule( $filter, "Fullname", "Contains", "Frog" ); FilterAddRule( $filter, "ext", "Wildcard", "*.txt" ); FilterAddRule( $filter, "date", "before", "2016-05-01" );
Load a filter from a file.
<handle> FilterLoad( <str> filename );
- filename
- Full path to the file with a filter
Return value
Handle to a filter
@var $filter = FilterLoad( "D:\\MyFilter.xml" ); @var $isMatch = IsFilterMatch( $filter, $file );
Load a filter from an existing advanced filter.
<handle> FilterLoadById( <str> FilterID );
- FilterID
- GUID of a existing filter id
Return value
Handle to a filter
@var $filter = FilterLoad( "3790d1abd9e849dba01de220375bb196" ); @var $isMatch = IsFilterMatch( $filter, $file );
Save a filter to a file.
<num> FilterSave( <str> filename );
- filename
- Full file path to the file to save
Return value
1 if successful else 0
@var $filter = FilterCreate(); FilterAddRule( $filter, "Fullname", "Contains", "Frog" ); FilterAddRule( $filter, "ext", "Wildcard", "*.txt" ); FilterAddRule( $filter, "date", "before", "2016-05-01" ); FilterSave( $filter, "C:\\MyFilter.xml" );
Check if a file is a match against a filter.
<num> FilterSave( <handle> filter, <str> filepath );
- filter
- Handle to a filter
- filepath
- Full path of a file to check the filter against
Return value
1 if file is a match, else 0
@var $filter = FilterCreate(); FilterAddRule( $filter, "Fullname", "Contains", "Frog" ); FilterAddRule( $filter, "ext", "Wildcard", "*.txt" ); FilterAddRule( $filter, "date", "before", "2016-05-01" ); @var $isMatch = FilterIsMatch( $filter, "C:\\Temp\\MyFrog.txt" );
Get the path part of a full filename path.
<str> PathGetPathPart( <str> path, [<num> stripEndingSlash] );
- path
- Full file/folder path
- stripEndingSlash
- Optional parameter. If 1, then the trailing backslash of the path will be removed
Return value
The path part of a full file/folder path
@var $path = PathGetPartPath( "C:\\temp\\MyPopSong.mp3" ); // res == "C:\\temp\\"
Get the name path of a filename path.
<str> PathGetNamePart( <str> path, [<num> stripExtension] );
- path
- Full file/folder path
- stripExtension
- Optional parameter. If 1, the file extension will be removed
Return value
The name part of a full file/folder path
@var $nameA = PathGetPartPath( "C:\\temp\\MyPopSong.mp3" ); // nameA == "MyPopSong.mp3" @var $nameB = PathGetPartPath( "C:\\temp\\MyPopSong.mp3", 1 ); // nameB == "MyPopSong"
Get the file extension from a filename path.
<str> PathGetFileExtPart( <str> path, [<num> stripDot] );
- path
- Full file/folder path
- stripDot
- Optional parameter. If 1, the dot in the file extension will be removed
Return value
The file extension of a filename path
@var $nameA = PathGetFileExtPart( "C:\\temp\\MyPopSong.mp3" ); // nameA == ".mp3" @var $nameB = PathGetFileExtPart( "C:\\temp\\MyPopSong.mp3", 1 ); // nameB == "mp3"
Get an array of all the file path parts.
<arr> PathGetParts( <str> path );
- path
- Full file/folder path
Return value
Return an array of all the filename part.
Array item 0 = Device
Array item 1 = Path
Array item 2 = Filename
@var $arr = PathGetParts( "C:\\temp\\MyPopSong.mp3" ); // $arr[0] == C:\ // $arr[1] == C:\temp\ // $arr[2] == MyPopSong.mp3
Convert a path to be relative to where Multi Commander is started from.
<str> PathMakeRelativeMC( <str> path );
- path
- Path to convert
Return value
The converted path
// MC is installed in "C:\Program\MultiCommander" @var $path = PathMakeRelativeMC( "C:\\temp\\MyFile.txt" ); // $path == "..\Temp\MyFile.txt"
Convert a relative path to absolute (relative to where Multi Commander is started from).
<str> PathMakeAbsoluteMC( <str> path );
- path
- Path to convert
Return value
The converted path
// MC is installed in "C:\Program\MultiCommander" @var $path = PathMakeAbsoluteMC( "..\\temp\\MyFile.txt" ); // $path == "C:\Temp\MyFile.txt"
Convert a relative path to absolute and also convert environmental tags.
<str> PathTranslatePath( <str> path );
- path
- Path to convert
Return value
The converted path
// MC in installed in "C:\Program\MultiCommander" and ENVVAR is "MyFile.txt" @var $path = PathTranslatePath( "..\\temp\\%ENVVAR%" ); // $path == "C:\Temp\MyFile.txt" @var $path = PathTranslatePath( "%WINDIR%\\calc.exe" ); // $path == "C:\Windows\calc.exe"
Download web content and save it as a file.
<str> NetWGet( <str> SaveAsPath,<str> Url, <str> options, <arr> Header );
- SaveAsPath
- Full path to where the file should be saved
- Url
- URL of the web content to save
- options
Optional parameter (case-sensitive). Separate multiple options with commas.
OVERWRITE - Overwrite target file if it already exists
VERIFY_SSLCERT - Require valid SSL Certificate - Headers
- An array of "Key=Value" strings that should be added to the Http Request header
Return value
Number of bytes downloaded and written to the file SaveAsPath
@var $bw = NetWGet( "C:\\Temp\\", "", "OVERWRITE,VERIFY_SSLCERT" );